International Probate – Australia

Probate in England for clients in Australia

Case Study One

The children of an Australian citizen contacted us because their father kept a bank account with NatWest in the UK until his death.  The bank insisted the children get UK probate before releasing the funds to the beneficiaries.

Because Australia is an ex-Commonwealth country with similar laws to the UK it was quite straight forward to get probate.  We were able to complete the process in 3 months.  The beneficiaries were then paid the money they were due.

The same process would apply if the person who died had owned other UK assets such as shares or a property.

If the person who died came from the United States, Japan or any other non-Commonwealth country the process is more complex and takes longer.

At Purely Probate we always agree a fee in advance.

Case Study Two

A firm of solicitors in Australia instructed us on behalf of their client, to reseal an Australian Grant of Probate to allow the executor to release funds from the deceased’s UK asset management company.

Once we had received the relevant documents from the client we wrote to the asset holder and started preparing the appropriate forms which were then signed by the client and sent to the Revenue for approval. When we received approval, we were then able to apply to the court to reseal the Australian Grant of Probate.

The Grant came back in record time and due to regular contact with the client, we were able to release to funds without delay.

The client was grateful for our time and attention to this matter.

Please contact us on 001144 1458850146 or if you require probate in England.


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