We take the pain out of getting probate with our fast, personal and sympathetic service, with fees generally agreed in advance.
You are welcome to ring without any obligation on
01458 850146
Welcome to Purely Probate
Now Part of Pardoes Solicitors
We are excited to announce that Purely Probate has joined together with
Pardoes Solicitors to offer you an enhanced range of personal legal services.
Whether you are looking for assistance with probate, estate administration, wills,
trusts, or Inheritance tax planning. our experienced team is here to support you.
Purely Probate Pardoes Solicitors
Your Will sets out how your estate should be distributed after your death. We ask a number of “what if” questions and advise you on the tax implications of what you intend to do.
Purely Probate specialises in helping you obtain probate – the process of transferring the assets of someone who has died to their beneficiaries.
Trusts are useful if you want to transfer ownership or use of assets, for example to your children, but there are circumstances that mean an outright gift is not the best way to achieve this.
Wills for ex-Pats
For many it seems too difficult to make a UK Will. They could instruct a UK lawyer locally but British lawyers abroad tend to specialise in Corporate Law, not personal matters like Will writing.
Wills for ex-Pats
Power of Attorney
Lasting Powers of Attorney are legal documents in which you appoint someone you trust to look after your affairs on your behalf.
Power of Attorney
Foreign Estates
If someone has died living abroad but with assets, in the UK we can help with the UK legal procedure and paperwork needed to have those assets repaid or transferred.
Foreign Estates
We are both so grateful for all the work done by you and your team – it has been far from straightforward and we would like to express our sincere thanks for everything that has been done. It seems to have been a mammoth undertaking and so complicated. Very many thanks.
Simon, London
The lack of any “legalese jargon” and the use of plain English in our meetings and correspondence has been immensely welcome and refreshing as well as the speed and efficiency with which everything has been executed. Thanks so much, Judith. It has been a total pleasure working with you and Beth, of course!
Annemarie, Exeter
Client Testimonials
Just a quick note to say thank you for all your help in removing the trust band from my father’s will. It has given my sister and I great peace of mind to know that everything has been completed correctly. I hope it will be a long time before I need to contact you both again for the original documents.
Pauline, Buckinghamshire
When someone dies it is necessary to deal with their money, property and possessions (known as "the estate") by collecting in all the assets in the estate, paying any debts and distributing what is left to those people entitled to it. Probate is a document issued by the court which gives the court's authority to administer a deceased person's estate.…
read more → When someone dies there are 3 things you must do in the first few days: Get a medical certificate - you’ll get this from a doctor (GP or at a hospital) and you need one to register the death. Register the death within 5 days of the death - you’ll then get the documents you need for the funeral. Arrange…
read more → A Lasting Power of Attorney can't be registered and used immediately and the amount of time you might have to wait can change. The current waiting time to register a Lasting Power of Attorney is 12 weeks. The Office of the Public Guardian must check the application to make sure there are no problems. There is also a three week…
read more → You can choose someone to make important decisions on your behalf if you become unable to do so yourself. This person is called an attorney. Your attorney is able to make important decisions on your behalf. Your attorney must: • make decisions in your best interests • only make decisions that the terms of the Lasting Power of Attorney allow…
read more → Until your divorce is finalised the existing Will is still valid. Your spouse is probably still named as an executor and main beneficiary. You are unlikely to want this now. When your divorce is finalised your former spouse is treated as if having "died" on the day the decree absolute is granted by the Court, so will not inherit even…
read more → Most couples make a Mirror Will leaving everything to their surviving partner and then to their children following the second death. It may come as a surprise to know that your children could end up with very little, or even nothing if one or both of you needs residential care. Setting up your Will in the right way helps you…
read more → Protective Property Trust Wills must be written when both partners are still alive and in good mental health. It does not have to be difficult to make a will, although it is an important document and you should give it careful thought. Start by completing our Will Request Form and completing the questionnaire. We will then ring you. We may…
read more →
Why do I need a Will
This eBook explains how a Will works and why you need a Will

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Top 10 tips to understand Probate
This eBook provides tips to understand probate

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Lasting Power of Attorney
This eBook explains why you need a Lasting Power of Attorney

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